OC4BA v3 and ATC not working [SOLVED]
OC4BA v3 and ATC not working [SOLVED]
When I run OC4BA v3 (Config 3.1.0) using PMDG B737 with v1.2.ssi my ATC radio is hardware detected but does not have an entry under Operation. I therefore cannot associate it and it therefore does not work. Everything else (MCP, FMC, EFIS, NAV, COM, ADF) all work perfectly, just the ATC module does not work. They are all USB Plug and Play. Is there a script that is missing that I need to enter somewhere or is there something else that I need to do? Any help will be appreciated please.........
Re: OC4BA v3 and ATC not working
Problem solved - power from USB hub was not strong enough..... plugging directly into the computer solved the problem 

Re: OC4BA v3 and ATC not working
Solved by user