OC4BAv4 over Network

This is a new forum for the OC4BAv4.
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OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by Morterna »

Does OC4BAv4 work over the Network ?
I have the opencockpits MCP v2 on my second PC. On the second PC is the Saitek Hardware ( Yoke, Throttle, Panels ) und Software like ASN 2016, Rex, WideFS, SpadNext. It also works well over the Network.

OC4BAv4 not. What did i wrong ?

Greetings from Germany

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Re: OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by mvr1918 »

I will try to do an update to OC4BAv4 so it works over the network.

No one has requested it so far, that is why it is not implemented.
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Re: OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by Morterna »

An Update will be amazing.I am wondering that nobody had a request for that. Many User with Cokpits have more than 1 PC for the Simulation.
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Re: OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by mvr1918 »

Hi, I just looked into this issue and do not see why OC4BAv4 should not work in a networked PC configuration.

As you have the simconnect configuration setup for the other programs as REX, ASN2016
you should just install SIOC and OC4BAv4 to your client PC.

I have not be able to test this myself as I am out travelling at the moment.

Here is a description on configuring the SImConnect:

Detailed Configuration Steps for enabling
OC4BAv4 and SIOC to run in a networked configuration where FSX/P3D runs on a different computer.

When running OC4BAv4 and SIOC on a client PC and not on the same PC that is running FSX/P3D
the OC4BAv4 has to be started directly from the SIOC folder of the client PC and not from the FSX/P3D addon meny.

Allowing this to work requires proper networking and security configuration on both computers.
SimConnect will be used in networked client/server mode to facilitate the communications functions.

Configure SERVER (PC where you have FSX/P3D installed)

There are two files which must be configured on the server. They are:

[ApplicationDataFolder]\Microsoft\FSX (or Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v3)\SimConnect.xml
[MyDocumentsFolder]\Flight Simulator X Files (or Prepar3D Files)\SimConnect.ini

ApplicationDataFolder is:
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\Application Data\
For Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\

MyDocumentsFolder is:
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\My Documents\
For Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="SimConnect" version="1,0">
<Descr>SimConnect Server Configuration</Descr>

!!!! The value for must be modified. (It should be the IP address of the PC running FSX/P3D) !!!!

This port will need to be enabled in any software firewall programs you are running (including windows firewall).

Installing SimConnect client on CLIENT(s)

For FSX, there is a simconnect.msi installation file located in the SDK installation folder\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\lib.
This file should be copied to each CLIENT machine and run in order to install the appropriate SimConnect client files.

For P3D, there the simconnect.msi is located in the P3D "REDIST" folder instead of "SDK" (use the XPACK/SP2 version).

Configure CLIENT

There is a single configuration file needed on all clients:

MyDocumentsFolder is:
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\[USERNAME]\My Documents\.
For Vista/7/8/10: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\.


!!!!! The value for must be modified. (It should be the IP address of the PC running FSX/P3D) !!!!!

*** NOTE: SIMCONNECT.CFG should NOT exist in any other location(s).
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Re: OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by Morterna »

Yeah that works fine.

1 Question and 1 Mistake in your Tuturial

Question: For what is the local entry ?


Mistake in the Tuturial:


You mean by the Port Entry 4506 and not 4096 ?!

Great Programm i have advertising in German Forums

Greetings from Germany

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Re: OC4BAv4 over Network

Post by mvr1918 »

The local entry is just a reference or loopback to the server computer, the one running FSX/P3D.

You are right, port should be 4506. Corrected above now.
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