
This is a new forum for the OC4BAv4.
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Posts: 36
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:02 am
Location: Paris France


Post by betampona »

Hello, I just saw on your website that there was the possibility of past version 3 to version 4 the cost is $ 10.
My question is: Whether difference between the two versions is worth paying extra.
For me version 3 works perfectly for what gain 737 if I switch to version 4.
Posts: 36
Joined: Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:02 am
Location: Paris France

Re: V3--->V4

Post by betampona »

Hello, I just saw on your website that there was the possibility of past version 3 to version 4 the cost is $ 10.
My question is: Whether difference between the two versions is worth paying extra.
For me version 3 works perfectly for the 737 .What if I gain is version 4.
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Re: V3--->V4

Post by mvr1918 »

If you are only using Opencockpits P&P modules like MCP, EFIS, COM etc. and OC4BAv2/v3 works fine for you there is no need for you to update
unless you:

0. Want to be able to check for updates that will add new features and better drivers and auto install these updates from within the OC4BAv4 app
1. Want to be able to use your Opencockpits hardware modules with the coming PMDG B747v2 airplane.
2. Want to use scripts for enabling Opencockpits B767 and B747 hardware modules
3. Do not have any crash issues due to IOCP Port conflict bewteen SIOC.exe and other running programs.
4. Want to dig into script developing and modification and use easy functions to deal with your scripts and learn more about SIOC software
5. Want to be able to use new updated scripts and drivers that make the Opencockpits hardware modules work better than today.
6. Need to get free support from rksoftware ( OC4BAv2/v3 is no more supported free)
7. Want to get FC4BA for free
8. Want to further support rksoftware to continue developing new OC4BA features and drivers.
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