V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Forum for the OCP4777X driver that controls PMDG B777X
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by esb365 »

Hi Roar,

I have just finished integrating all my OC HW with OCP4777X and got everything to work OK except for the MCP. The switches work as per the instructions for MCP V2 without encoder push switches, but I get erratic behaviour from all four encoders, particularly V/S.

I am using the lastest program and 777 driver 1.3c as well as latest SIOC. I have checked all the things you mention above and can see the variables in IOCP being mirrored correctly on the PMDG MCP view.

I have used the MCP with another 777 program and my own SIOC script OK and can verify all digits working and smooth scrolling of the display when an encoder is changed.

Specifically, the IAS & HDG inputs stutter and even move in the opposite direction to the input ie if increasing the IAS , you can observe after a few clicks the IAS go back a couple of knots then forward again. The retrograde motion happens randomly but usually every 6-10 clicks. Same for HDG. I have tried changing acceleration on both controls through all available values to no avail. If I use the mouse to change settings on the PMDG MCP the values change correctly on both MCPs.

The V/S changes briefly in either direction then freezes, however the correct value is shown on the PMDG MCP. I discovered by accident that if V/S is out of synch with PMDG a small turn on the ALT encoder either way will always bring the OC MCP instantly back in synch with PMDG, but only if ALT switch is set to AUTO.

There was a reference in a previous post about a revised script - is this available ? I am reasonably familiar with SIOC scripting and happy to experiment.


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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by mvr1918 »

I have sent you a PM with the modified code.
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by esb365 »

Re Sent Modified Code, would you send again please. OneDrive says file expired or doesn't exist.


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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by mvr1918 »

Updated script sent
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Re: V/S not in sync on MCP (SOLVED)

Post by yoyas56 »

Other here, please help!! Vs is freeze when i change.
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